Monday, August 15, 2011

Tips: Safe From Hackers

Some tips are safe from hacker attacks. There are several things that must be taken to ensure that your account is not lost and used for things that are not desirable.

1. Do not use an email for various purposes. So, for example for facebook use 1 email, for banks using an email, to use an email forum for all your personal accounts to be safe. Because if your email and hit only 1 hack, then the hacker can hack facebook account, twitter, myspace, paypal, plurk, or even worse your bank account.

2. Do not use passwords that are stupid or easily recognizable, such as phone number, Date of Birth, Name of Parents and info about him as a password where it is the stupidest thing in the doing of the user.

3. Different Places, Different Password. So, for the forum should use the first password, to FB a second password and so on for the security of your account.

4. Unique password. Use a unique password as joint caps and symbols for safety. Examples of secure password that: aDeH4nWb973.

Ok. Quite simple, short, simple, and safe. Hopefully these tips useful.

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