Saturday, May 28, 2011

Changing Linux Grub Loader Themes

1. Prepare images with format. png or. tga.
2. Access the terminal, type gksudo nautilus. Then use the nautilus window "special" to copy your picture files into the directory / usr / share / / images / desktop-base.
3. Call the terminal type the following command and press enter:

sudo gedit / etc/grub.d/05_debian_theme

4. Then will come a gedit window. Replace moreblue-orbit-grub.png with your file name.
5. Click Save. Call again the terminal and type:

sudo update-grub

6. Look carefully at your terminal. If it is correct, then the terminal should be able to find the image you'll use.
7. Restart your computer.

Changing Linux Bootscreen Themes

1. Access synaptic packet manager, the search algorithm Plymouth-type theme.
2. Choose a theme, right click and select mark for instalation.
3. Click the Apply button.
4. If you've finished installation, we now switch on these themes. To do that, call the terminal, type the command:

sudo update-alternatives-config defauld.plymouth

5. Press enter. Then the configuration page will appear. Choose a theme that will be activated by typing a number in the order of themes in the list.
6. Press enter.
7. The above steps only activate these themes. In order for these themes can be directly applied when you restart your computer, we first update the kernel configuration by typing the following command in a terminal:

sudo update-initramfs-u

8. Restart your computer, and enjoy your new theme.

Monday, May 23, 2011

How To Display Back, Folders Hidden Due To Shortcut Virus ?

Shortcut Virus lately often unsettling computer users. Generally this virus spreads rapidly through the flash media. Although it is not so dangerous, but the virus is quite annoying. Because the virus is making all the existing folders to be hidden and replaced with a folder shortcut from the original folder. If we open the show hidden files / folders not necessarily be able to see the original folder.

There is one way of showing the folders, to return again as usual is to use the command at a command prompt in windows. But the first time we did the first scan the computer and make sure that the virus is gone down to its roots. If the virus is not removed first, then our efforts will be futile, so the virus will be acting up again.

Okay, we just practiced this way. The steps are as follows.

1. Open a command prompt windows, way is by typing cmd in the Run menu, or press the Windows key + R, then type cmd.

2. Then type the name of the location of the drive / removable disk followed by the sign ":" (without brackets). Press enter. For example: d:, f:, i:, etc..

3. After that, type attrib / s / d-s-h

4. Wait until the process is complete. So the hidden folder will appear again as usual.

5. Good luck ...

How to Speed ​​Up Mozilla Firefox Performance ?

Here are a few ways to accelerate the performance of Mozilla Firefox, and can hopefully help directly in the test:

Quick and Dirty Settings Quick and Dirty Settings

about:config about: config
user_pref("network.http.pipelining", true); user_pref ("network.http.pipelining", true);
user_pref("network.http.pipelining.firstrequest", true); user_pref ("network.http.pipelining.firstrequest", true);
user_pref("network.http.pipelining.maxrequests", 8); user_pref ("network.http.pipelining.maxrequests", 8);
user_pref("nglayout.initialpaint.delay", 0) kalau ini lo klik kanan di area mana aja dan pilih new pilih integer isi nglayout.initialpaint.delay dan isi 0 user_pref ("nglayout.initialpaint.delay", 0) if this lo right click on the area where the aja and choose new choose nglayout.initialpaint.delay integer contents and contents 0

user_pref("network.http.pipelining", true); user_pref ("network.http.pipelining", true);
user_pref("network.http.proxy.pipelining", true); user_pref ("network.http.proxy.pipelining", true);
user_pref("network.http.pipelining.maxrequests", 8); user_pref ("network.http.pipelining.maxrequests", 8);
user_pref("content.notify.backoffcount", 5); user_pref ("content.notify.backoffcount", 5);
user_pref("plugin.expose_full_path", true); user_pref ("plugin.expose_full_path", true);
user_pref("ui.submenuDelay", 0); user_pref ("ui.submenuDelay", 0);

lalu tinggal ketik ini (simple nya cari di filter ) then live this type (its simple search on filters)
Fast Computer Fast Connection (recommended) Fast Computer Fast Connection (recommended)

user_pref("content.interrupt.parsing", true); used boolean user_pref ("content.interrupt.parsing", true); Used boolean
user_pref("content.max.tokenizing.time", 2250000); used integer user_pref ("content.max.tokenizing.time", 2.25 million); Used integer
user_pref("content.notify.interval", 750000); used integer user_pref ("content.notify.interval", 750,000); Used integer
user_pref("content.notify.ontimer", true); used boolean user_pref ("content.notify.ontimer", true); Used boolean
user_pref("content.switch.threshold", 750000); used integer user_pref ("content.switch.threshold", 750,000); Used integer
user_pref("nglayout.initialpaint.delay", 0); user_pref ("nglayout.initialpaint.delay", 0);
user_pref("network.http.max-connections", 48); user_pref ("network.http.max-connections", 48);
user_pref("network.http.max-connections-per-server", 16); user_pref ("network.http.max-connections-per-server", 16);
user_pref("network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-proxy", 16); user_pref ("network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-proxy", 16);
user_pref("network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server", 8); user_pref ("network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server", 8);
user_pref("browser.cache.memory.capacity", 65536); user_pref ("browser.cache.memory.capacity", 65,536);

A couple settings of note - Firefox is allocated 4096 KB of memory by default and in this configuration we give it roughly 65MB as denoted by the last line. A couple settings of note - Firefox is Allocated 4096 KB of memory by default and in this configuration We give it roughly 65mb as denoted by the last line. This can be changed according to what is used. This cans be changed According to what is Used.

i hope this help u for browsing, hehehehehehe... i hope this help u for browsing, hehehehehehe ...

source: Tonny Hidayat,S.Kom (Lecturer STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Trick Lock Folder Without Software

Want to lock and secure a file only with the code, and without the use of supporting software?

1. Go to Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Notepad
2. Copy and paste the following code into notepad

title Folder Locker
if EXIST "Control Panel. {21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
echo Are you sure u Want To Lock the folder (Y / N)
set / p "cho =>"
if% cho% == Y goto LOCK
if% cho% == y goto LOCK
if% cho% == n goto END
if% cho% == N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Locker "Control Panel. {21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib + h + s "Control Panel. {21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to Unlock folder
set / p "pass =>"
if NOT% pass% == type your password here goto FAIL
attrib-h-s "Control Panel. {21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel. {21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Locker
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Locker
echo Locker created successfully
goto End
: End

3. Then save the notepad file with the name Locker.bat
4. Close and then open again the file, and will set out the order to enter a password (Enter Password) to unlock the folder
5. Enter your password code
6. Click again, and will be displayed command "Do You Want to lock the file Y / N".
7. Type "Y" and press Enter.

Tricks Removing Autorun.inf Virus

Your antivirus software has found a virus before you open your hard drive or removable media? Here are tips and tricks to clean autorun virus from hard disk or removable media, like flash, and so forth.

1. Open a command prompt on the "Start - Accessories" or to the menu "Start - Run" and type "cmd" (without quotation marks). Click Enter.
2. Type "cd" and press Enter to get the root directory "C:"
3. Type "attrib -h -r -s autorun.inf", then click Enter.
4. Type "del autorun.inf", then click Enter.
5. Perform the same process with another drive and restart computer


- Sometimes the "cmd prompt" will display the error "file not found autorun.inf", or sometimes the actual hard drive or flash you do not have the autorun.inf file, so let your hard drive is still running as usual.
- After deleting the autorun files from all hard drives or removable media, immediately restart the computer. Try not to open a hard drive or flash before you restart your computer, or if you do not have to repeat the above procedure once again.

How To Speed ​​Up Booting Windows Vista ? (Part 3)

Disable Service is Not Used
Service is an application that runs continuously in the background, so the computer started to go into Windows. Lots of service that is run by Windows, and provides the basic functionality of the system. But every service that way in the background also takes computer resources, such as memory and processor. So also with the boot process, when booting the service must be loaded one by one. Those who do not know where the configuration service, please go back to the System Configuration via the command msconfig. Open the Services tab, where you can see which services are running. Before disabling unneeded services, you should first understand the functions of some existing services:

* Application Experience: provide a cache that is compatible with older applications. This service can be disabled, but it is more advisable to be enabled.
* Application Information: allows you to run applications with administrator privileges. Stay out of this service enabled.
* Background Intelligent Transfer: transfer the data in the background when the connection is not used. One of the uses of this service is to download Windows updates. So if you're not in a state of online and Windows Update is disabled, then disable this service as well.
* Base Filtering Engine: provides support for firewall, Ipsec and fi ltering. If not in the network, just turn off.
* Bluetooth Support: the name is obvious, namely support for Bluetooth devices. If not used or do not have a Bluetooth device, it is recommended to be disabled.
* COM + Event System: provides a notification to the COM object. You should do a little experiment with a few applications before disabling it.
* DCOM Server Process Launcher: launch DCOM process. Some services are critical also use the DCOM Server Process Launcher to start. So better to be enabled.
* Desktop Windows Session Manager: service that was behind the Vista look like glass. If your hardware does not support this feature, just turn off.
* Diagnostic Policy: provide monitoring and troubleshooting the problem component. If you are a fairly advanced user, then this service may be disabled.
* Distributed Link Tracking Client: used to link the NTFS file over the network. Service is rarely used, so it should be disabled.
* DNS Client: provides the ability to transform a website address into IP addresses needed by the browser and other Internet tools. When the computer is not connected to any network, disable it.
* Function Discovery Provider Host: do hosted on another service that searches for other devices over a network, such as Media Center Extender. Service is rarely used, disable it.
* Group Policy Client: responsible in applying the policy domain settings. Service can not be disabled.
* IP Helper: provide IP connectivity over IP networks v4 v6. Disable this service if your network uses the IP v4.
* Multimedia Class Scheduler: helps multimedia applications by prioritizing CPU for multimedia processing. Should be enabled if you wear a lot of multimedia purposes.
* Network connections: provide a GUI to manage all network connections. When in-disable the Network & Sharing Center will not run, then better be enabled.
* Offl ine Files: provides operations diWindows Explorer offline file. Please disable when not in use.
* Plug and Play: let the computer automatically detect and configure hardware. Needed by some service, so it should be enabled.
* Portable Device Enumerator: providing support for portable storage devices, in order to communicate with other Windows components like Windows Media Player. Service is safe to be disabled, when not needed.
* Print Spooler: allows you to save the print service to the memory so that the print process can be faster. This service can be disabled, but sometimes may affect the printing process.
* Remote Procedure Call: responsible for communication between COM components. Not critical, but is used by many other Windows services. It is recommended to not be disabled.
* Security Center: monitors all applications related to security. Service is sometimes quite annoying, so can be disabled.
* Task Scheduler: schedule a process which must run at certain moments in the background. It is recommended to keep it enabled.
* WebClient: provides support for WebDAV protocol, in order to access a remote server via Internet Explorer. No need protocols that? Disable.
* Windows Audio: audio feature. Can be disabled, but your computer will be silent.
* Windows Error Reporting: when an error occurs, this service will run and ready to inform Microsoft that there is a problem. Quite annoying, so it can be disabled.
* Windows Firewall: provides network security by blocking access into or out of network, in accordance with a pre-determined. Enable only if your computer inside the network.
* Windows Management Instrumentation: Provides an interface for scripts and other applications that control various components in Vista. When the disabled, the Internet Connection Sharing, IP Helper, and Security Center will also cease.
* Workstation: provide support for connections that use the SMB network protocol. When the disabled, then disable Windows File Sharing as well.

Of course, from all the services shown above only partially. When you install the application after application, then in general the number of services will also increase. After learning service which could or would like to be disabled, we can do so through the Services utility that comes into the Microsoft Management Console.

1. In the Search box on the Start menu, type services.msc
2. Before you begin to disable a service, it's good service is stopped first. Find a service you want, right click and select Stop.
3. After his service stops, right-click the service again, select Properties.
4. In tabDisabledGeneral., In the Startup Type change it to
5. Click OK after the restart, the service will not be enabled when booting.

Still confused service anywhere better be disabled? Shah had two service list which should be disabled. Of course this is according to the version of the Shah. If you have a choice, please! Who knows even more yahud your choice. The first is a very basic choice that can maximize computer performance. Only here you have to sacrifice the features that make Vista feel comfortable. Here is a list of services that can be disabled safely:

Application Experience, Program Compatibility Assistant, Application Information, ReadyBoost, Background Intelligent Transfer, Routing and Remote Access, Base Filtering Engine, Security Center, Bluetooth Support, Server, Desktop Window Manager Session Manager, SSDP Discovery, DHCP Client, Superfetch, Diagnostic Policy, Tablet PC Input, Diagnostic System Host, TCP / IP NetBIOS Helper, the Distributed Link Tracking Client, Terminal Services, EAPHost, Themes, Discover Provider Host Function, WebClient, Group Policy Client, IKE and IPsec Keying AuthIP, Windows Audio Endpoint Builder, Modules, Windows Defender, IP Helper, Windows Error Reporting Service, Multimedia Class, the Windows Firewall, Network Connections, Windows Management Instrumentation, Network List, Network Location Awareness, Windows Search, Offline Files, Windows Time, Policy Agent, Windows Update, Portable Device Enumerator, WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery, Workstation.

As spelled out earlier, the choice of services that can be disabled to increase performance, but removes some Vista features a comfortable and cool. Next is the choice of services that can be disabled safely, but not as extreme as the early choice. Or it could be said to balance between speed up boot time, and got the cool features of Vista:

Bluetooth Support, IP Helper, DHCP Client, Offl ine Files, Diagnostic Policy, Policy Agent, Diagnostic System Host, Routing and Remote Access, Distributed Link Tracking Client, SSDP Discovery, EAPHost, Tablet PC Input, Function Discovery Provider Host, WebClient, Group Policy Client, Windows Search, IKE and IPsec Keying Modules AuthIP, WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery.

Location Optimize Boot
The speed of reading a file depending on how fast your hard drive, and where they have put these files on my hard drive. To speed up the boot process, of course files used to boot must be located so as to read the fastest. When the first time after install, boot files are still in good condition, aka the fastest conditions. But once the hard drive began to fill little by little and you make configuration changes here and there, some of the boot file begins to spread out everywhere. As a result, when the hard drive to read a bit stilted.

Disk Defragmenter
Both in XP or Vista, there is a feature called Prefetch. This feature serves to optimize the location where the boot files located with the help of Disk Defragmenter. Only problem is, the optimization is only run when the computer is idle. You are certainly not very aware of when the last time your computer is idle, and perform optimization tasks. If you want to know it for fun, here's how:

1. Bukaregistry editormelalui Search box, and type regedit.
2. Buka_direktori HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ Prefetcher, and so that we can force the computer to run the optimization of it right now, namely: find keys named LastDiskLayoutTimeString. There will be visible date and the last hour when the optimization process carried out.

Had already mentioned that the optimization is only done in a state of idle. So what if we want to perform the optimization right now? Is it true we have to squelch the computer for a while, until the computer goes into idle? Maybe eventually times yes. But there are ways To be biased to force the computer to run this optimization right now, namely:

1. Disearch box in the Start menu, type cmd
2. After the open command prompt, type the command rundll32.exe advapi32.dll, ProcessIdleTasks

Increase Hard Disk Speed
The location of the boot would have definitely been on my hard drive. Once the location of the boot is optimized and added quickly, of course, that location (hard drive) will be more afdol if helped also optimized performance. But the setting of this would be optimal if the hard drive used is a SATA hard drive. Also because this setting will be aggressively write to the disk cache, the results will speed up access to the hard drive, but has a side effect of data loss in case of sudden power failure. Therefore, it is recommended to use the UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply).

1. In Windows Explorer, click kananComputer and select Properties.
2. In the next window that appears, select Device Manager
3. In Device Manager, open direkori Disk drives, and select the disk that have Windows Vista it (if by chance there are more than 1 hard drive).
4. Select the Policies tab, and check the Enable advanced performance.

Source: Syah69

How To Speed ​​Up Booting Windows Vista ? (Part 2)

After Timeout accelerated, would add another nice if the OS that you use frequently used as the default OS. Because once the timeout is completed, WBM will immediately load the OS that will be used. To select which OS will be the default, we need a freeware application called VistaBootPRO.

1. Download VistaBootPRO of of 1.5 MB.
2. Install as usual, and run melaluiStart menu.
3. In VistaBootPRO, pilihManage OS Entries. If there is more than one OS, then choose the OS that you often use, and will be used as the default.
4. Check padaSet as Default, then click the little additional information, you can also change the timeout value as we did the first time last through this VistaBootPRO. On the Manage OS Entries, search Current boot timeout, and change the value according as the earlier we let you.

Disable Hardware is Not Needed
One moment spent considerable portions of time when booting is prosesloading drivers. Every driver for each hardware must be on-loading, and then started by the OS at boot. The problem is not all that is in computer hardware are always used. At the time of Windows must load all existing hardware, but not necessarily required, the performance would be decreased. Although Vista is smarter in how to load the drivers than previous Windows versions, but still its loading process will take time. On Windows prior to XP is present, the system will load the hardware first, then others will follow in a serial. Well, if there is a hardware that takes a long time in loading its driver, it will increase its long boot time, because they have to wait one driver has finished being loaded first. Windows Vista has the same way with XP in the drivers load. Not in the series, but they do it in parallel so it boots faster. But in Vista, there are more drivers should be loaded, and will always have the potential to slow boot. Here's how to disable unneeded hardware:

1. In the Search box on the Start menu, type devmgmt.msc.
2. SetelahDeviceManagermuncul, you can choose the hardware anywhere you want to disable. You do this by right clicking its hardware name, and select Disable. At the option that appears select Yes.
3. To re-enable the disabled hardware, perform the same way, and select Enable

A little info in the Device Manager of Vista, the hardware that the disabled have a downward arrow icon. While the hardware that has a question mark icon or an exclamation mark means having a problem, or not set up correctly.

Which hardware should be disabled
Each user has different hardware requirements, and not necessarily all utilized. It would be beneficial if you know what hardware must be disabled, and what does not. Here are some of the hardware that is generally better to be disabled, because it seldom or never used:

* Network adapters: the notebook, there are usually two pieces of network. If one of them is disabled, will certainly give you a boot time reduction.
* FireWire: hardware is only used when trying to connect a computer with digital video recorders, such as camcorders or camcorders. If you feel you do not have it, why not be disabled only.
* Biometrics: in some recent notebook, usually equipped with a biometric sensor devices such as scanners for fingerprints. If you feel you do not need security features, disable it.
* Modem: when in the office you use a broadband connection that is connected through a LAN, then the modem is not needed anymore, right? So, disable it. Had a moment longer needed, live in-enable it again.
* TPM security chip: TPM (Trusted Platform Module) is a chip used to store the encryption key that is used for example for disk encryption. TPM is usually found in high-end notebooks. If this feature is not used, you can disable it.
* Multimedia: Your computer must have a lot of multimedia devices, let alone a new computer. In Device Manager, look into the "Sound, video, and game controllers". There certainly have a lot of devices that must be loaded at boot time. Well, a multimedia device that most rarely used is a game port or MIDI devices. For the game port is not used, because the joystick games are now using a USB port. While MIDI is only used if you have a device with a keyboard (musical instrument) MIDI.
* PCMCIA: Hardware is widely used for the purpose of expansion or adapter to the notebook. For example for the expansion Wi-Fi, modem, etc.. In fact, the latest notebooks have been many who have those devices in the form of built-ins. So when not in use, PCMCIA is one device that is safe to be disabled.

Warning: do not disable the hardware that is on the Disk Drives, Computer, Display Adapters, IDE Disk Controllers, and System. All hardware is very vital to the OS.

Discard Fonts are Not Used
Windows Vista has more than 200 fonts installed tpada new time. From the 200th font that, when in fact only a few are used for everyday purposes. Remember, the more fonts that are installed, the longer the boot process will run. This is because the system must load and index each font. The easiest way to get rid of fonts that are not needed is to delete it directly from the folder C: \ Windows \ Fonts. But of course delete the fonts directly at risk, if it turns out there are applications that need it, you do not have the fonts it again. Therefore the safest way is to move it to another folder. By reason of the move if it turns out the font is still required, then you have his backup. There is a fairly unique about the Fonts folder. You can not do copy / cut and paste just like any other folder in general. The easiest way to do it is to perform selection on the font you want to move, while pressing the button, then drag it to another folder as you like. After that, the fonts have been selected to stay deleted.

How To Speed Up Booting Windows Vista ? (Part 1)

Many people think Windows Vista is too heavy, both in its hardware requirements or performance when installed in a middle-class computer. What we mean weight was also included a long boot process. we will try to accelerate the process of booting Windows Vista. Those who have installed Vista in computer, try a fad counting time booting between Windows Vista and Windows XP. Definitely my Windows XP faster, especially if in-tweaked by using Bootvis, definitely add tuh tight. Why Windows Vista boot it longer? Whereas between Windows 2000 with XP, faster XP. The logic of XP with Vista should have been more rapid Vista right?. This is because Vista requires higher system requirements than XP, and when booting many components of the new system, and new drivers take part in-loading. In addition, with the new features that are rich in effect, means that the OS is more burdened and hardware must work harder. And this step by step how to have Vista boot faster than XP. Especially for you who have the minimum hardware for Vista, it looks like these steps will be very useful.

BIOS Settings
In doing tweaking related to the speed of a component, usually the BIOS settings must be involved in it. This is because the BIOS acts as the main controller hardware, where all the settings that are made from low-level in situ.

Changing the Boot Order
When first turned on, the computer is set up for direct search in which a storage medium that stores the files needed to boot. These files can be found on the floppy, CD / DVD ROM, flash disk, or hard disk. Then, what the benefits of changing the boot sequence? When you change it for the hard drive is the first place to look for, then you can save a second time, right? Because why should looking into another storage area, if the actual search on the hard drive. To change the boot order or boot sequence, here's how:

1. When the first computer turned on, enter the BIOS by pressing the Del key atauF2, or another button. Each motherboard uses a different button to enter the BIOS, but generally two buttons that are often used.
2. Find the Boot menu, and make sure that that is in the first place is hard. If you happen to have two hard drives, hard drives have made his OS into the first or top.
3. Save the BIOS settings, and exit

Take advantage of Quick Boot
In addition to seeking the location of the boot, when I first turned on, the computer will check all existing hardware and memory count. While reviewing memory, in general takes your computer, the BIOS will not know it. If your system becomes older, especially when there are large-capacity memory. For example, memory is not stable like a crash, would not even boot, or 512 MB of memory will be counted in about 3 seconds. In addition to counting you suspected of not right, then turning off Quick Boot. memory, the computer also checks all the hardware is there to ensure all goes well. Comprehensive examination is really not needed, if we believe that all the hardware we have in perfect condition. Therefore, in most BIOS offers a feature called Quick Boot. This feature makes the user can turn off such a thorough examination. How:

1. Log into the BIOS, and look for BIOS Featureatau menuAdvanced Boot menu. LokasiQuick Bootbisa different in every BIOS.
2. Change status to Enable Quick Boot.
3. Save the BIOS settings, and exit.

Side effects of Quick Boot is if there is something in your memory, the BIOS will not know it. If your system becomes unstable as a crash, not even boot or you suspect something wrong memory, then turning off Quick Boot.

Modification Boot OS

Windows Boot Manager
If there is any other OS other than Vista on your computer, then you have to deal with the Windows Boot Manager (WBM), which by default will be installed by Vista. By default, WBM will provide 30 seconds for you to choose the OS to run. When 30 seconds had elapsed without a choice, then the WBM will directly choose the OS that is used as the default. Rather than having to wait 30 seconds elapsed in vain, why do not we change the course of 30 seconds it becomes shorter. But before we make any changes to the WBM, it's good for us to backup his first by using the Boot Configuration Data Editor (BCDE). The aim is that when something happens with WBM, could be restored as its original state. Here's how to backup it:

1. You have to act as administrator, then in command prompt that is accessed through the Start, Accessories, Command Prompt, type bcdedit / export "C: \ Backup Files".
2. If there is a problem and want to restore it to its original state, just replace it with bcdedit / import "C: \ Backup Files".

Now we return to the original purpose was, namely reducing the time 30 seconds. The goal 0apabila no OS is selected, then the OS is the default will be quickly selected, and the boot time becomes shorter.

1. Click Start msconfig., In the Start Search box with
2. In the System Configuration select the Boot tab, and then in the Timeout contents to the value you want legal advice try of 2-5. The smaller the value, the selection of the default OS will be faster, but also more difficult if it turns out the default OS that is not the OS that it is currently not want elected.
3. Click OK

Timeout value has changed, and now the boot menu is displayed in a shorter time. Indeed this is a very simple tip, but it will be very helpful if you use more than one OS. The next trick is to disable the boot screen. Unlike Windows XP and earlier Windows versions, Vista has a boot screen in high resolution. On the visual or aesthetic does look very neat and attractive. But when viewed from the performance side, it can be spelled only slow down the boot process. Therefore, why not us "tripe" just boot screen it, to get their piece of the boot a few seconds. How:

1. Still in the Boot tab, give the No GUI Boot check
2. Click OK, then restart your PC.